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(294/308) 1892 - GitPlugin on macOS has several isssues #2: Commit Changes opens empty

Sorry, but I do not have much useful data to add as the activity protocol doesn't show anything. Maybe someone can instruct me how to retrieve information you require?

OS: macOS 10.12.6
java: 1.8.0_151
jEdit Version: 5.4.0
GitPlugin: 0.7.1
Project Viewer: 3.5.3
git version 2.13.5 (Apple Git-94)

After changing a file I choose: Plugins > Git Plugin > Commit Changes
and the dialog pops up without showing any changed file

Submitted ngc - 2017-10-25 08:35:47.793000 Assigned daleanson
Priority 5 Labels GitPlugin
Status open Group
Resolution None


2017-10-26 15:44:53.989000

Change in the line

this.regex = Pattern.compile("#\\s+.+?:\\s+(.+)");


this.regex = Pattern.compile("#?\\s+.+?:\\s+(.+)");

There is no Hash-char in my git's status output.

2017-10-27 01:56:27.687000

Fixed, made a couple of other small changes to account for presence or lack of #.

Thanks for the bug report, that made this easy to find and fix.

2017-11-14 04:57:00.744000

- **assigned_to**: Dale Anson
- **Group**: -->